The siren call of howly cars

Link Letters

Link discovered fire engines and ambulances during out first summer, and three years later their sirens still make him stop and listen like Ulysses.

Once I watched him track the sound up the cross street a half block away, moving his head slowly north until – Ta-Da! – there went the ambulance streaking by.

Howly Cars! My Favorite!

Dear Eyeliner,

Today I found out who makes the big howls. It's great big grumbly cars! We were just walkin' and then there was a howl and howl and I looked around like, "Where is it where is it" and there it was. A big howly car came around the corner and went right by us.

Grumbly cars are scary 'cause they want to smack you and smush but this one was real fast and real grumbly but it was howling. So I howled too. It didn't stop but it kept howling and went away, and I kept on, then there was more howling back there and I looked and ANOTHER one was coming but it missed the turn and went howling a different way so I howled some more while there was howling all around.

Except for dogs. It's a pretty boring neighborhood. The dogs yell at you but they don't join in on a good howl. Old poops, I say.

So it was fun.

Your fiend,


Next Letter: Barking at Evil
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