Table of Contents ~ More Modern Love
  XXI. Disintoxication
  Of the sweet vulgarities I murmured in your ears,
Now I understand "I need you" felt the most obscene.
Is there no child in you, then? What is there unclean
In being needed? Would you kill the child that fears
The dark? "I need you." It's not weak but merely true.
Like I need air, not like I need lakes or trees; you
Are my air, my water; you, my soul's completion.
I need you like a man should need his only child. Shun
Life if you shun need. Your spirit is the rest of me.

I've turned to face the truths of sheer necessity.
If you don't need me, need someone, then. Your own
Heart knows: without need, you're no more than stone.
The full course run, no more needs to be said.
The door's still open, but the child is dead.
Poetry Writing Dancing Badger